MINUTES Board Meeting January 9, 2023, 7 p.m.
Lou Bouley called the meeting to order at 7:05.
Present were Board Members: Lou Bouley, Randi Klein, Nancy Polan, Ann Wedaman, Cynthia DiGeronimo, Zjemi Moulton, and Bob and Margie Riddle. Also attending was LWVNA members Helen Seidler, Vera Yanez and student member Charlotte Powell
Minutes of Meeting December 12, 2022 meeting were approved by vote. Ann Wedaman agreed to be alternate secretary while Margie Riddle is unavailable.
Treasurer’s Report – Lou Bouley presented the Treasurer’s Report.
The balance December 1, 2022 was $28,232.27. Income totaled $525.57. Expenses totaled $1,119.00. The balance December 31, 2022 was $27,638.84. We have 119 members.
Voter Service – Brigid Glackin reported that we should think ahead about working at the new citizens welcome on July 4th and also the reading of the speech of Frederick Douglass. She also spoke about being prepared ahead of time for candidate forums for fall elections probably before the November election. Randi Klein mentioned the importance of the voter education guide that we have done with the Daily Hampshire Gazette. Our League has also been invited to have the window at Broadside Bookshop, and Randi has agreed on our behalf. Discussion centered around appealing to high school students about the importance of voting.
Education – Bob Riddle reported that William Wehrli has accepted appointment as Northampton High School Principal. JFK Middle School also has a new principal. A mask advisory is in place in the Northampton Public Schools because of the new advisory.
Health Care – Osa Flory was not present to provide a report.
Meeting Basic Human Needs – Cynthia DiGeronimo reported that our shelter meal team of about five people provides an evening meal once a month. There are more than 30 teams providing these meals. Cynthia reported that Service Net will no longer provide staffing for the shelter. Starting April 1 Community Support Options (CSO) will direct both the Cot Shelter and Grove Street Inn. Kelly Ben-Ezra (formerly Kelly Pereira) will be director. She is considering new directions for the shelters. One goal being considered is to combine the two shelters into one that is available year round and 24/7.
Membership – This portfolio needs a leader. Currently we have 121 members. Several high school students joined through the promotion in September. Several members offered to help with the phone-a-thon.
Natural Resources and Legislative – Nancy Polan reported working toward municipalities in our area requiring new and rehabbed housing to be net zero for affordable housing. She has a committee
Legislative – Nancy Polan reported that legislative action involving housing will be important in the next months.
Public Relations Suggestion – Connie Burak has met by phone with Zac Brittain, account executive at the Daily Hampshire Gazette to work toward a yearly contract with the Gazette.
She suggested also asking if we could have a monthly column in the Gazette.
Study of Issues of Homelessness in our Area – Margie Riddle reported that the study group will meet again at 4:00 January 22, 2023. The focus has centered on availability of truly affordable housing especially for low income residents working for minimum wage. The group has decided to interview key players at the local, state and national level and propose a state or national study leading toward legislation to address the need for housing. Brigid Glackin will attend a webinar to learn about suggesting a state study.
Book Sale – The date will be September 23 or 30. Book Collection will be July 10-28 with sorting through August 4.
Newsletter – Lou Bouey proposed that we suggest to the membership at the annual meeting to amend the By-Laws to no longer require a newsletter six times a year. We could suggest instead that an email go out to membership every month directing membership to our website. Much discussion with no decision followed.
Upcoming on-line LWVMA meetings
A new dawn for climate action and climate justice virtual rally, January 11, 12 – 1 pm Go to http://lwvnorthamptonarea.org/ for the link to join the Zoom meeting (No RSVP needed)
LWVMA virtual town hall for program planning, January 11, 7 pm. Link to register at http://lwvnorthamptonarea.org/
Next meeting – 7 p.m. Monday February 13, 2023 by zoom. Lou Bouley will set up the zoom.
Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned by Lou Bouley at 8:45.
Respectfully submitted,
Margie Riddle, Secretary