Banned book discussion meeting Jan. 19
Thanks to all who helped make the book sale a great success!
Over 200 people celebrated with 55 new citizens from 31 countries, including Peru, Bangladesh, Poland, and Tanzania.
Yard signs available from LWVUS
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion League Policy
The Northampton Area League is fully committed to ensure compliance – in principle and in practice – with LWVUS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy.
1/21/2024 LWV DEI Policy: Discrimination or harassment of any kind will not be accepted within the League, including but not limited to race, socio-economic status, age, ability status, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, gender identity, or marital status. The League is committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging for all people. The League is an organization that respects and values the richness of our community and our members. The collective sum of our individual differences and life experiences represents not only our culture, but our reputation and the organization’s mission and achievements as well.
Take steps to address state’s homeless crisis
Letter to the editor, Gazette, 2/28/24 ‘Take steps to address state’s homeless crisis’ by Sharon Farmer, member of Northampton Area LWV Homelessness and Affordable Housing subcommittee:
According to HUD’s December 2023 Annual Homelessness Report, Massachusetts now has the 10th highest proportion of homeless people in the U.S., and our proportion of homeless families with children puts us at the very top of the list. We reached this crisis because we have a shortage of housing stock, which has led to skyrocketing housing costs.
The construction slowdown that came in the wake of the 2008-09 recession is partially to blame — but so are the zoning laws of a vast number of Massachusetts communities, which restrict all, or most, residential land to single-family housing on lots of a specific size. sometimes as large as two acres.
As the residents of Hatfield observe [“Town focusing on future priorities,” Gazette, Feb. 12], we’ve zoned ourselves into a situation where our own children can’t afford to live nearby, and where essential low-wage workers end up in homeless shelters. To address the immediate homeless crisis, tell your state representative to allocate $120 million for temporary homeless shelters, and tell your U.S. congressional representative to support the Senate’s proposed allocations for the homeless.
To address the shortage of housing stock in the Pioneer Valley, check your town zoning laws to see if they should be updated to allow for more housing stock, and urge your town council 1) to partner with a nonprofit developer of affordable housing, and 2) to create and fund an Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
Special thanks to Margie and Bob Riddle, Lou Bouley, Ann Wedaman and Amy Rome for their hard work organizing this record-breaking book sale! Thanks to everyone, including friends, family, and students from Smith Vocational & Agricultural High School and Northampton High School, who donated, collected, sorted, and sold thousands of books! The Banned Book collection and research materials were awesome! Thanks to Charlotte Powell for registering voters. Teachers enjoyed our new offer of free books for classrooms all day long. Leslie Skantz-Hodgson, the librarian at Smith Voc and Ag High School sent us a grateful thank you note, detailing the special books she found to enrich collections in the library and classrooms.
Recent banned book articles in the Hampshire Gazette: “Get your banned books here,” Gazette, 9/23/23 interview with Margie Riddle and Ann Wedaman, collectors and organizers of the banned book section for the book sale. “Moms for Liberty, banned books and parents’rights,” Gazette, 9/29/23 describes the extent of book banning across the U.S.
National LWV supports equal access to healthcare
LWV fights for equal access to healthcare for all, highlighted on social media, April, 2023
Every US resident should have access to affordable, quality health care, including birth control and the privacy to make reproductive choices.
We are pleased to hear that DACA recipients will now have health care protections under the law. Every US resident should have access to affordable, quality health care.
Historical Posters Highlight Local Leaders in the early years of the League
LWV co-sponsored book event at Odyssey Bookstore Oct. 7
Joshua Douglas introduced his new book, The Court v. The Voters: The Troubling Story of How The Supreme Court Has Undermined Voting Rights. The book gives an urgent and gripping look at the erosion of voting rights and its implications for democracy, told through the stories of 9 Supreme Court decisions –and the next looming case. RECOMMENDED READING for a greater understanding of the Supreme Court’s role in curbing voting rights, and how we can reverse course towards improving voters rights.
Addressing racist attacks in the Presidential debate: LWVUS statement
Racist ideas spread quickly. When paired with false allegations, they can lead to misplaced hate and even violence. They are dangerous, manipulative tools that have no place in politics. Read full LWVUS statement here
Join the campaign to eliminate the Electoral College
The Electoral College is a racist relic designed to take power from the people. It’s time to abolish the EC and move towards an electoral system by the people and for the people. Be part of the movement:
LWVUS was at the Supreme Court
Let’s be clear: Everyone should have the ability to make decisions about their own reproductive lives and futures, including choosing the method of abortion that works best for their circumstances.
Action Alert: Farm Bill 2023: Fund Conservation
The current Farm Bill has been extended through 2024, which give us extra time to fight for needed changes!
Thank you to everyone who attended our education event, Act for Change: US Farm Bill 2023, Farming, Climate and You. In case you missed it, view the recording here.
Please contact our Massachusetts Congressional delegation and urge them to protect climate-smart agriculture and conservation technical assistance in the Farm Bill. SAMPLE SCRIPT and ADDITIONAL TALKING POINTS
THE OCTOBER LWV WINDOW DISPLAY IN BROADSIDE BOOK STORE IS OVER. STOP IN AND LOOK FOR BOOKS ON DEFENDING DEMOCRACY. Books in our October window display focused on threats to voting rights, threats to democracy across America, children’s books on voting, and Rachel Maddow’s new book, Prequel: America’s Fight Against Fascism, not to be missed!
Urge your members of Congress to support the Children’s Fundamental Rights and Climate Recovery Resolution!
Take one minute to urge your members of Congress to support the Children’s Fundamental Rights and Climate Recovery Resolution!
The League has endorsed pending legislation known as the Children’s Fundamental Rights and Climate Recovery Resolution, which recognizes the disproportionate impact of the human-caused climate crisis on the health, economic opportunity, and fundamental rights of children in the US. It calls on the executive branch to develop a national, comprehensive, science-based, and just climate recovery plan to put the nation on a trajectory consistent with goals to reduce global atmospheric carbon dioxide below 350 parts per million by the year 2100 and stabilize the climate system.
US Supreme Court Decision Preserves Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act
Click to watch Northampton LWV member, Chris Flory, discuss Medicare for All in MA.