Pass An Act ensuring safe and participatory 2020 state elections in response to COVID-19

Write to thank your representative and senator for co-sponsoring HD5075 and urge them to work for swift passage of HD5075. Write as a member of the League of Women Voters, which worked as part of a voting rights coalition to draft this bill. Legislators need to hear a roar of support for this vital bill, which must be passed NOW. Implementation of these changes will take months and need to be ready for the Sept. 1st primary.
The following are co-sponsors of HD5075:
Lindsay Sabadosa
Mindy Domb
Natalie Blais
Aaron Vega
Dan Carey
Senator Jo Comerford
Senator Adam Hinds
Senator Eric Lesser
A press release from the voting coalition, which includes LWVMA, urges legislators to vote for the following conditions within HD5075:
Vastly expanded vote by mail:
Ballots will be mailed to all Massachusetts voters before the Nov. election without an application required. All others may vote by absentee ballot out of concern for the coronavirus. (MA is one of only 15 states without no-excuse absentee voting). Statewide online portal for voters to apply for and track the progress of absentee ballots. Election officials will scan absentee and early voting ballots in the clerk’s offices when they are received – but results may not be calculated or announced until the polls close. General election ballots postmarked on or before November 3 will be counted, as long as they are received by November 13.
Longer voter registration times:
The deadline to register to vote or update voter registration is changed to 10 days before the election. (The deadline is currently 20 days).
Expanded early voting:
Two weeks of early voting before the September primary, and three weeks of early voting before the November election.
Safe voting sites to protect the health of voters and poll workers:
Regulations from the Secretary of State will safeguard the public health at early voting sites and polling places to protect voters and poll workers.