H2810 and S2018 are carbon pricing bills for MA have generated more than 100 cosponsors.
Representative Benson’s description of her bill, H2810:
In 2008, Massachusetts passed the Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) and pledged to cut carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. This bill puts a price on carbon emissions to incentivize a move toward renewable energy and help us meet or exceed the GWSA emissions target.
70% of the collected price is rebated to consumers and businesses, and 30% is dedicated to a Green Infrastructure Fund for local investments in renewable energy projects that will further reduce emissions and stimulate the economy.
There are built in protections for low and middle-income households, those who live in rural areas, and export-driven manufacturers.
What should I say?
Write to the chairs of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy.
Michael Barrett, Senate Chair. Mike.Barrett@masenate.gov 24 Beacon St., Room 109-D, Boston, MA 02133
Thomas Golden, House Chair. Thomas.Golden@mahouse.gov 24 Beacon St., Room 473B, Boston, MA 02133
I urge you to hold a hearing on this important bill H2810/S2018, which would result in carbon emissions reductions at the scale large enough to reach our climate goals for 2050. I urge you to move H2810/S2018 out of committee and to the floor for a vote this legislative session. There is large support for passage of this bill in the Pioneer Valley, led by Representatives Blais, Sabadosa, Carey, and Domb, and Senators Comerford and Humason.