An Act to Promote Green Infrastructure and Reduce Carbon Emissions
H2810 and S2018 are carbon pricing bills for MA that have generated more than 100 cosponsors.
Representative Benson’s description of her bill, H2810:
In 2008, Massachusetts passed the Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) and pledged to cut carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. This bill puts a price on carbon emissions to incentivize a move toward renewable energy and help us meet or exceed the GWSA emissions target.
70% of the collected price is rebatedto consumers and businesses, and 30% is dedicated to a Green Infrastructure Fundfor local investments in renewable energy projects that will further reduce emissions and stimulate the economy.
There are built in protections for low and middle-income households, those who live in rural areas, and export-driven manufacturers.
What should I say?
Representatives Blais, Sabadosa, Carey, and Domb are cosponsors of H2810. Senators Comerford and Humason are cosponsors of S2018.
Thank you for cosponsoring H2810, or S2018. It is the best strategy for reaching the GWSA emissions target, it protects low-income families, and it will create clean energy jobs. Pass the bill this year. We are running out of time to avoid uncontrollable climate disaster.
Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa. 24 Beacon St. Room 443 Boston, MA 02133 617-722-2460
Rep. Dan Carey 24 Beacon St. Room 33 Boston, MA 02133 617-722-2060
Senator Jo Comerford 24 Beacon St. Room 70-C Boston, MA02133 617-722-1532
Senator Donald Humason, Jr. 24 Beacon St. Room 313-A Boston, MA 02133 617-722-1415